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Sunday, February 06, 2011

A relaxing Sunday.

Today after a long time I enjoyed a sunday. It was my moms birthday yesterday, so we ladies spent our time pampering ourselves in the parlour. Hey! so what if my mom only deserved it because it was her day :p.. Had an awesome family dinner later. Lovely time.

After reading this, one might think if yesterday was all about fun instead of today then why was today so enjoyable. Well today I enjoyed the after-effects of a brilliant day spent :) ..

I don't feel like writing anything close to being termed as 'words of wisdom' but what i can share with you is that I learnt too slangs this week "Chirkot" and "Sharty" .. hehe. Good addition. and no, not planning on using it.

Anyway, enjoy this song.

Saturday Rides

My husband and I work at the same office. On saturdays, its our ritual to stop at Dunkin have breakfast and then proceed to office. Recently, we have made another ritual (pertaining to the ride to the office). Since the couple of weeks we ride to office on a sports bike. Its exhilarating. Open roads, early mornings ( well not-so-early ), pleasant wind, makes it all the more enjoyable. There are a few things you notice more, while you are out there. A car full of teenage boys gawking in awe as you speed away. My husband ( the show off that he is :) ) would speed up when he notices someone is looking for some piece of action. By looking at my surrounding, I comfortably adjust my grip because I can guess when we are about to get on rocket speed.
Anyway, what amused me was the level of excitement small college going boys have over bunking. Its like an achievement. Rebellion does have its own adrenalin rush.Such young adolescents learning the walks of life, unsure from the inside still trying to keep a chin up as though bunking would make them the bravest arse in the world. But its really cute to see it all happen.

p.s. by the way, this happened last saturday. Just didnt get the time to finish the draft.


A relaxing Sunday.


Saturday Rides


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